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É dia de pizza! Conheça a história e algumas curiosidades

It's pizza day! Know the history and some curiosities

It's pizza day! Know the history and some curiosities

On July 10th, Pizza Day is celebrated in Brazil, and that everyone loves this delicacy, we know, so much so that it fell in love with the Brazilian people and São Paulo is the second most populous city in the world, behind only New York . To give you an idea, Brazil produces about one million pizzas a day and more than half - 572 thousand - centered in the capital, São Paulo.

But do you know why a pizza day? In this article, we'll explain everything to you and tell you some curiosities to make you look good in front of your friends. Continue reading and enjoy!

What is the origin of pizza?

The history of this meal is full of mysteries and controversies, the meal is so incredible that, in the history of pizza, different cultures claim to have created the first ever pizza. It is believed that it all started at least 6,000 years ago, with the Egyptians and the Hebrews. These men are the first to mix flour with water, making something like bread.

Pizza as we know it today can bring all the laurels to Italians. During the Crusades, food arrived at the port of Naples. Initially, it was considered the staple food of the poor in the south of the country and the fillings were made from garlic, cheese and fish.

In the 16th century, tomatoes were introduced in European and American cuisine, and soon they were added to pizza by Dom Raffaele Espósito, the first pizza maker in history, who decided to honor the colors of the Italian flag with a culinary delicacy.

Italian kings played a key role in spreading pizza. However, it was limited to Italy. The first pizzeria in the United States was opened in 1905 by Gennaro Lombardi and his store was in Manhattan. Shortly after, in 1910, Brazil had its first pizzeria.

What about pizza day?

In Brazil, he arrived with Italian immigrants in São Paulo, and neighboring places like Brás and Mooca became colonial strongholds. Until the 1950s, pizza was in limited areas, mainly in the famous Italian cantinas. From then on, it began to spread across the country, following the culinary details and traditions of each Brazilian region.

Pizza Day, on the other hand, started in 1985, thanks to a city competition to select the best margherita and mozzarella pizzas. The success was so great that the then secretary of tourism, Caio Luís de Carvalho, decided: the closing date of this competition would be considered pizza day throughout Brazil.

How did pizza delivery start?

Fashion began in the United States after World War II. The soldiers were hungry and longing for their favorite dishes. However, not everyone could make it to their favorite pizzeria, so a store in New York City started offering delivery service.

A delivery much like the one we know today came from Los Angeles a few years later. Since then, the ease of ordering your pizza has only increased. Not only that, the quality, safety and speed of delivery, too.

Today, pizza is part of Brazilian culture. , the country produces one million pizzas a day and the state of SP is responsible for more than half of that. It's such a love affair that, since 1985, we have a special day: July 10th is pizza day.

Get to know RememBR

Missed pizza from Brazil, huh? We know that in other places they are not the same, that's why at RememBR you have access to ingredients to make a pizza like you used to eat every Saturday night! Discover our website and plan your next Brazilian meal with fresh and delicious food!