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2 receitas de festa junina para fazer na sua casa

2 June feast recipes to make at home

We know that June is the month of the Festa Junina: a very Brazilian tradition and loved by everyone who has attended the biggest June festivals in Brazil dedicated to popular saints, such as the feast of São João and the one of Santo Antônio.

With that in mind, the most famous characteristic that is part of this celebration immediately comes to mind: the typical foods of the June festival. Among them, the following cannot be missing:

  1. The kid's foot.
  2. The rice pudding.

So, put on your straw hat and come learn how to cook these delicious dishes and find out more about this June celebration.

Read too: Healthy Brazilian foods: check out some recipes

What is the origin of the Festa Junina?

The Festa Junina originated in Brazil in the 16th century and was called "Joanina Party".

The Festa Junina began to be celebrated in Brazil in the 16th century, but it was already a popular tradition in Spain and Portugal, which is why it was brought by the Portuguese during colonization. In the beginning, this commemoration was known as “Joanina feast” as a direct reference to São João, but, over the years, its name was changed.

It is known that the June festival is well known for its religious tone, and it has been since that time. Despite this important mark, nowadays the festivity also receives characteristics typical of the rural area.

The party became popular especially in the Northeast region of the country, where the best celebrations take place. Currently, the biggest June festival takes place in Campina Grande, located in the state of Paraíba.

The June festivities in Brazil are marked by various symbols, such as the square dance, the foods that we have already mentioned and the clothing, which includes checkered and checkered cloth clothes, for example. Learn more about some of these symbols below.

Read also: 5 famous Brazilian foods among Americans

Some symbols of the Festa Junina

Have you ever seen a Saint John bonfire? And have you sent any fancy mail yet? If you don't know these elements of the Festa Junina, follow the details about them now.

Saint John's bonfire

The bonfire of São João was born from the following story: one afternoon, Santa Isabel went to the house of Our Lady and told her about the birth of her son, who was John the Baptist. Our Lady then wanted to be informed about the birth of the boy and asked how she could know the date.

Santa Isabel then replied that when John the Baptist was born, she would light a very big fire so that Maria could see her from afar and know that the son of the Saint was born.

The promise was fulfilled and, one day, Our Lady saw the smoke and the red flames. He went to the house of Santa Isabel and found John the Baptist, one of the most important saints of the Catholic religion, on the 24th of June, when that bonfire is still held today.

the elegant courier

It is believed that the elegant courier originated in the celebration of Saint Anthony, because he is the matchmaker saint, helping to form new couples and contemplating the fulfillment of requests made to the saint.

Typical June feast recipes

Learn how to make two typical recipes of the Brazilian June festival: pé-de-moleque and sweet rice

Next, learn how to prepare 2 remarkable recipes from this celebration.


You will need:

  • ½ kilo of burnt and peeled peanuts;
  • ⅓ kilo of sugar ;
  • 1 can of condensed milk ;
  • 3 tablespoons of margarine.
  1. Put the peanuts, sugar and margarine in a pan.
  2. Bring it to a boil, stirring constantly.
  3. Once a syrup forms, add the condensed milk.
  4. Stir well, until the syrup is released from the bottom of the pan, in the same way as with brigadeiro.
  5. Place on a greased board with margarine.
  6. Once cool, cut the candy into pieces.

2. Creamy rice pudding


  • 1 cup and ½ of rice ;
  • 2 and ½ cups of water;
  • 5 cups of milk;
  • 2 spoons of vanilla ;
  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 1 can of sour cream ;
  • sugar to taste;
  • cinnamon powder or in chips.
  1. Put the rice and cinnamon in the water and let it boil until dry.
  2. Then, add the milk, vanilla, condensed milk and sugar, stirring constantly.
  3. Let it boil for 15 minutes. Then add the cream and stir.
  4. Boil for another 5 minutes.
  5. Sprinkle rice with cinnamon.
  6. It can be served hot or cold, as you prefer.

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