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Atenção: Devido ao calor intenso pedimos cuidado ao receber seus pedidos que contenham produtos sensiveis ao calor.

Leao Natural Matte Tea 40g with 25 Sachets


Thought of Matte, thought of Matte Leão! Whatever your ritual, there's a special tea for you. Leão, the leading brand in the market, synonymous with quality and tradition, presents its line of teas based on yerba mate - Matte Leão - which Brazilians know and never give up on.

Ingredients: TOASTED MATE LEAVES (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.).

Nutritional table

Portion of 1.6G - Sachet**

Energetic value 0 kcal 0

* %Daily Values ​​based on a 2,000kcal or 8,400kj diet. Your Daily Values ​​may be higher or lower depending on your energy needs. ** Sufficient amount to prepare 240ml of tea (1 cup). It does not contain a significant amount of energy value, carbohydrates, proteins, total fats, saturated fats, trans fats, dietary fiber and sodium.